Squash at VRC

Squash at VRC


Vancouver Squash League

Registration to play as a regular player is now closed. 
You can only register as a spare.

for more info contact the office


Kitchen Menu

(**Captains, please order food at least one day prior to the game.)


Cost: Squash League + Squash BC Membership Fee

(all fees include HST)

(Spares pay full amount.  League fee will be reimbursed if you play less than 3 times per season)


League:  $50 (adult 25 & up)

                $40 (adult 17-24)


Squash BC Membership for VRC members:

Adult 25 & up:     $40.00

Adult 17-24:         $22.40

Junior under 17:  $16.80


You must be a member of Squash B.C. to play league or tournaments.  You can sign up on the same form as the In-House Box Ladder and Vancouver Squash League Form.  If you are a member of Squash B.C., your membership expires October 31, 2010.


Picking of teams by Captains: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 at 7:30 pm at VRC (top lounge)


On some Monday or Tuesday nights we will have 5 home teams so it is important that players start on time!!!


N.B. Scoring for Open divisions is PAR 11 best of 5

         Scoring for Women divisions is PAR 15 best of 5

Women's Squash League will start Tuesday, October 5, 2010.   
Seven Women's teams are registered in Division 1, 2, 3, 3, 5, 6, & 7. All other requests were granted by the Vancouver Squash League.

Men's Squash League will start Monday, October 4, 2010 for Div's 1-7 and Tuesday, October 5 for Div 8. 
Eleven Men's teams are entered in Division 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8. A request was granted by the Vancouver Squash League that one of our Div 4 teams move to Div 3.

Pre-Interclub Ranking Night

We have the following teams listed with the Vancouver Squash League:

Mondays, September 13 & 20 - Men's Divs 1, 2, 2 ,3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Tuesdays, September 14 & 21 - Women's Divs 1, 2, 3, 3, 5, 6, 7
                                                        & Men's 8, 8

Contact Steve at least a week before to book practice courts for your team.

Captains from last year should organize their players for this practice.
Please contact Steve if you wish to use the courts for your team or times will be freed up for members use.

The necessary paperwork entitled "Squash Form" is available at the office or on the tournament board located on the lower floor behind courts 5 & 6.  All players signing up before the league deadline will be guaranteed a spot on a team.  All teams will be divided up evenly in numbers.  Recommend 7/8 players per team.  N.B. Players signing up after the deadline may not be guaranteed a spot on a team.  Captains may have to rotate if they have an abundance of players. 

Initial teams will be picked from VRC Quick Draws Ranking. Challenge rules are posted on the downstairs notice board heading into the courts.

We are always short on Captains so if you wish to be considered as a Captain, please indicate on the form.  N.B. Captains who sign up must be of the level of the Division they want to captain.  Captains cannot be "bumped" from the team, however, it is their responsibility to prepare their team, and to confirm time and venue with the opposition Club Captain.

The format of selecting teams will be left to the captains.  As some teams have moved up and other teams have moved down there could be a conflict.  If a solution can't be worked out teams will be picked from the club ladder on the Quick Draws.


The new rankings will be posted on the 1st of each month.  Captains should try to rotate their players to ensure equal playing time.  The decision of the Captain is final!  The order of the team will be based on the rankings.


VRC match times will be listed on the Quick Draws.  Start times are scheduled evenly between 5:30 pm and 8:00 pm.  Teams with Byes have a scheduled start time in case a team fills that position.  The scheduled time can otherwise be used for team practice.  Byes are given the late start time.


Teams will be posted on the downstairs notice board.  Court schedule will be posted upstairs behind court 4.  Please adhere to your assigned courts.  3 players must be ready at their scheduled start time.  Please be ready to start on time to insure that the later teams will be ready to play close to their starting times.


You will be guaranteed a spot on one of the teams if you sign up by the closing date.  After this date you will still be able to enter if a team of your level is short of players.


League comes quickly so don't hesitate to sign up to guarantee your spot!


Mens Divisions

            'A' Players       3 teams      Div 1, 2, 2

            'B' Players       4 teams      Div 3, 3, 4, 5

            'C' Players       2 team        Div 6, 7

            'D' Players       2 teams      Div 8, 8


Womens Divisions

            'A' Players       2 teams      Div 1, 2

            'B' Players       2 teams      Div 3, 3

            'C' Players       2 teams      Div 5, 6

            'D' Players       1 team        Div 7


Captains Meeting

Women's: Tuesday, September 28 - 7:30 pm
Men's      : Tuesday, September 28 - 7:30 pm

Teams will be picked in order of merit of the players ability for the teams available.  In the case of two teams in a division it will be decided by the Captains whether to have to equal teams or a strong and weak one.




Vancouver Racquets & Fitness Club
4867 Ontario Street
Vancouver, British Columbia
V5V 3H4

Telephone Number: 604-874-0242
Fax Number: 604-873-2831
Email: office@vrc.bc.ca